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Convoy reduces theft and double brokering to less than 0.001% of loads
New real-time fraud detection system continually monitors carrier risk and proactively blocks fraud before it occurs.
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Freight Research
Freight Market Update: A mixed happy and humbug holiday season
Freight Research
Freight Market Update: Slowing demand and falling capacity
Freight Research
Freight Market Update: The summer of spending winds down
Freight Research
April Jobs Report
Freight Research, Industry Insights, Shippers
Stop Wasting Your Time Putting Volatile Freight in RFPs
Freight Research
Risk and Uncertainty in Trucking’s ‘Age of Turbulence’
Freight Research
April’s Fools
Freight Research
Freight Hiring Resilient in February Despite Wall Street Wobbles
Freight Research
December to Remember, but January to Forget
Freight Research
So much for Mo-vember
Data Science, Freight Research, Industry Insights, Sustainability
35% of the time that truck next to you on the highway is empty – that’s a really big deal for the environment
Freight Research
Trucking is Past Peak Hiring Constraint
Industry Insights
Is 2022 the end of globalization?
With shipping delays and inventory issues, there's a moving interest in moving away from global dependencies. Convoy CEO Dan Lewis shares his take on globalization.
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