Adapting to freight marketing softening with dynamic pricing

Freight ServicesOn Demand • 38 mins

As truck prices and tender rejection rates continue to decline, transportation teams are hopping into the driver’s seat to snap up cost savings.

While renegotiating freight contracts and scouring the spot market can yield results, this approach is also highly time-consuming, cumbersome, and inefficient.

Dynamic pricing contracts offer another way to navigate the soft market. The ability to track market shifts in real-time, automatically update rates to stay in-tune with the market, and quickly realize cost savings offers an “easy button” for shippers of all sizes and across industries.


  • The current freight market conditions
  • Opportunities to leverage market softening
  • How industry-leading shippers are driving innovation with dynamic pricing programs, such as Guaranteed Primary

Featured Speaker:

Chris Walker

Chris Walker is a Director of Strategy at Convoy, the nation’s most efficient digital freight network. He’s previously worked as a consultant helping companies identify how emerging technologies, evolving business models and changing demographics are disrupting industries such as agriculture, supply chains and housing. He holds a Ph.D. and an MBA from the University of Washington.

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