Behind the Scenes Blog - Culture, Careers | Convoy The leading digital freight network Tue, 21 Mar 2023 14:31:58 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Behind the Scenes Blog - Culture, Careers | Convoy 32 32 Engineering Internship Spotlight: Improving self-service UI Mon, 03 Oct 2022 17:56:22 +0000 Convoy interns grow their skillset amongst world-class engineering, operations, and product teams. Read how our engineer intern, Brooke, made an impact.

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This summer, I interned on the Load Execution Team, which aims to drive down costs using technology and automation all the while creating a world-class experience for our shipping customers. My project was the Convoy Pulse Self-Service User Interface (UI), which is based on the idea that our customers receive consolidated status emails at a specified cadence or notification emails if an unexpected event like a driver being late occurs. I specifically focused on creating an application for our customers and members of our customer experience team to directly modify their email preferences, ensuring that our customers received excellent communication and service.

Solving for email preferences

The established process for updating Convoy customers’ email preferences was inefficient, time-consuming, and inconvenient. If customers wanted to update their email preferences, they had to call someone from the customer experience team, who would fill out a Google Form with their information. Those form details were then passed on to a single subject matter expert who would interpret the form and make changes to the email database.

My self-service UI allows Convoy’s customer experience team members (and eventually customers) to view and edit email configuration information directly, eliminating the unnecessary administrative work associated with the existing process. My process involved user research, iterative user interface design, engineering design/architecture, and development of a React frontend and GraphQL connection to a service pulling from an Airtable database.

Challenges and learnings

As with any software development project, unexpected challenges arose along the way, which proved especially tricky given the short 12-week internship timeline. Initially, I faced issues setting up the frontend code repository for my project and connecting my frontend code with the existing backend code. After partnering with my mentor and other members of the Load Execution team, I dove deep (one of Convoy’s values) into the infrastructure and set up a new Graph QL schema module to solve the issue. I then updated the related documentation to help prevent others from encountering the same issues.

Through all of this, I was able to improve upon my soft skills, including communication, task prioritization, project management, and incorporating new learnings/feedback into routine practices. I also got technical experience with tools that were new to me, like GraphQL, and those I had worked with before, such as Figma and React.

Advice for future interns

My advice for future interns is to focus on finding a balance between work and play. Keep your work on track, but also find time to socialize with the other interns, attend Convoy-sponsored happy hours, and have 1-on-1s with people in your fields of interest, etc. Explore all of the lunch spots in the area, suggest your favorite snack be stocked in the office (although I’m not sure anything will surpass my dried mango contribution), celebrate your mentor’s half-birthday, and treasure your time in Seattle!

Jumpstart your career with Convoy

Internship applications are open. Grow your skillset in a fast-paced startup environment. Learn more about our engineering internships for the 2023 summer.

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Engineering Internship Spotlight: Building a fleet-wide visualization tool for Convoy Go Thu, 29 Sep 2022 15:57:20 +0000 Convoy interns help solve meaningful problems in freight. Learn how engineering intern Rishi elevated our fleet management display.

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In the traditional model of freight, a truck driver brings a power unit and an empty trailer to a facility, waits for the trailer to be loaded, takes it to another facility, and waits for it to be unloaded. With Convoy Go, a truck driver can arrive at a facility with only a power unit, pick up a pre-loaded trailer, and drop it at another facility without waiting for it to be unloaded. To enable this, Convoy manages a fleet of thousands of trailers (also known as a universal trailer pool) and distributes them across shippers. Shipping with Go has many benefits:

1. Carriers can haul more loads, as the total wait time to pick up and drop off a shipment is cut from 6-8 hours to 15-30 minutes.
2. Shippers have more flexibility on loading and unloading as they’re not dependent on carrier arrival.
3. Greenhouse gas emissions from trucks idling at facilities are significantly reduced.

Each trailer has a GPS sensor and cargo sensor. The team I was on within Go (the Fleet Intelligence team) handles ingesting, standardizing, processing, and persisting the data from these sensors to understand things like each trailer’s location, whether they’re moving or idle, and whether they’re carrying a load or not. These sensors enable Convoy to manage its fleet without boots on the ground, and they also bring a unique set of engineering challenges where software bridges into the real world. 

The problem

Since Convoy manages the entire fleet of trailers, the team internally needs to run highly complex business processes such as repairs (ex. flat tires) and rebalancing (moving trailers from low to high-demand areas). Convoy has a suite of tools to power these processes, all of which are strong at showing a ton of detail about a specific trailer or facility. The problem faced by business teams is none of them provide visualization of trailers and facilities at a fleet-wide level. While Go’s ML models certainly help with forecasting trailer supply and demand between facilities, human intervention is still beneficial because we can quickly discern patterns or respond to last-minute changes and derive actionable insights from visuals.

The solution

This leads to the project that I built over the summer: a map visualization tool of thousands of trailers and hundreds of facilities in the Go fleet. Users can filter by trailer statuses (ex. active, damaged, idle) and facility characteristics (ex. open 24 hours/day). This project is for use by the 50+ members of fleet management, as well as the broader Go team. Some of the workflows that users can perform are outlined below; previously these would require jumping through many different tools, but now everything has been consolidated into one place. 

  1. Rebalancing: Users can filter for facilities with extra trailers or trailers on the move that don’t have a load. Users can then request that they be dropped off at a nearby facility without enough trailers.
  2. Servicing: Users can filter by damaged trailers and find facilities or areas with a high number of trailers near each other, so they can more quickly find trailers near each other and schedule batch repairs for them. Batch repairs get trailers back online faster and at a lower cost.
  3. Placement: Users can find clusters of facilities that don’t have enough trailers so that trailers that were recently added to the fleet can be distributed between them. This will be especially useful as we plan on growing the trailer fleet by thousands in the coming years.
  4. Fleet Health: If a user isn’t doing a concrete task, they can still use the tool to understand the state of the fleet in an exploratory way. This will be increasingly important as the fleet size continues growing.

An example of what a trailer and facility might look like is shown above. A key decision that we made in the UI design phase is showing custom pins based on trailers’ statuses. This makes it quicker for users to get insights on each trailer without even having to apply filters. There’s a lot of data stored for each trailer for various use cases, but only three key points are needed to show a custom pin for a trailer: its location, cargo status, and trailer status. There’s also additional business logic to determine the trailer status (ex. idle, active, damaged) as it isn’t something that is simply stored by default. Therefore we implemented a GraphQL resolver that handles filtering through trailers and returning these three points for each one. We chose to handle filtering on the server side and return condensed data structures for each trailer for better webpage performance. We followed a similar implementation pattern for facilities as well.

From the example shown, the user can conclude that this facility has trailers with the following statuses:

• Six idle and empty (grey unfilled circle)
• One damaged and empty (red unfilled circle)
• One active and empty (blue unfilled circle)
• One active and loaded (blue filled circle)

They can now make decisions such as: requesting to move one or multiple of the idle/empty trailers to a facility that needs them or scheduling a repair for the damaged trailer. We recognized that users may not be familiar with these custom pins without using the tool for some time, so we implemented keys on the UI so they can reference the meanings of the colors and shapes.

Another key decision we made was to implement both Filters and View Settings. We wanted to serve many different use cases with this tool without overwhelming the user with the quantity of visible data. We concluded that providing the user with control over what data they want to see (Filters) as well as how they want that data to be represented (View Settings) would help achieve this. Examples of View Settings include a heatmap for trailers and perimeter outlines for facilities. We leveraged the Google Maps API given that these are all different layers of data atop a map. 


My favorite aspect of this internship was having ownership over the entire engineering process, from writing a design doc to implementing an MVP and conducting a bug bash for it. This helped make the implementation phase smoother as I had more clarity on what to build. Having a bug bash was particularly helpful as I was able to incorporate initial user feedback into my final deliverable. I also hadn’t done a project with extensive frontend components before, so I picked up a ton of new working knowledge in React and GraphQL. Additionally, from a business perspective, interning on Go was exciting as the team is pushing the boundaries in freight by making drop-and-hook accessible to shippers and carriers of all sizes. 

Thanks to my mentor Nguyen Truong, my manager Frances Lucero, the Go product designer Adam Anderson, and the broader Go team for all the help and support throughout the summer!

Jumpstart your career with Convoy

Grow your skillset in a fast-paced startup environment. Internship applications are open. Learn more about our engineering internships for the 2023 summer.

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Engineering Internship Spotlight: Temporal Replay through CircleCI Mon, 22 Aug 2022 17:38:00 +0000 Convoy software engineering intern Alexandra Li shares how she built an automatic validation tool for deterministic Temporal workflows.

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Convoy has begun automating shipper-facing tasks with a tool that leverages workflows on Temporal, an open source platform providing reliable program execution. These workflows are often long running, as they rely on frontend user input to complete the steps. However, it is not always a smooth process.

The problem

In one instance, code changes pushed to workflows affected the result of active workflows, as Temporal immediately incorporates code changes at runtime without versioning. Because of this, Temporal requires all workflows be deterministic so the change caused all actively-running workflows to hit a non-determinism failure. Since Temporal workflows automatically retry on failure, all the workflows were stuck in a retry loop. New workflows could not start as old workflows starved out resources on workers (processes that pick up work to complete workflows) leading to all workflows needing to be terminated. As a result, the efforts put in by frontend users to complete the workflow tasks were wasted, and production was halted until the issue was addressed.

This is an issue I aimed to prevent when I took on my project this summer as an intern on the Platform for Automation and Workflows (PAW) team: building an automatic validation tool for other engineers to confirm that only deterministic changes would be deployed.

Through this workflow tool, engineering teams across Convoy can build and iterate automation of predictable business processes, and easily present work to frontend users when automation is hard. The workflows are built with Temporal’s tools, but because it is a new concept to most developers, and whole teams collaborate to build out their workflows, it can be difficult to keep track of all workflow dependencies to predict how changes will affect other workflows. Thus, we can see how important it is that developers know whether or not their changes break determinism before deploying their code to production.

While changes can be made if there are no running workflows — as that means all have completed, or none have run, and changes can be made at a point where the running workflow instance has not yet reached — this becomes more complicated with multiple instances of long-running workflows.

Impact of changes on determinism: instance B tries to incorporate the change and sees non-determinism.

Consider the situation where there are 5 running workflow instances of one workflow type with each one having reached a different point in execution. Assume workflow instance A has completed 3 events and instance B has completed 6. If we were to deploy a change to the workflow code around event 4, then instance A would reflect this change, whereas instance B would see that this change would end in a different result and throw a non-determinism error. On the other hand, we cannot stop all running workflows, as we would lose their states, resulting in potentially weeks of lost work. In addition, workflows can be restarted at any point as Temporal provides retries in case of system failure. For both these reasons, workflows must be deterministic and produce the same results with every run and re-run.

The solution

Temporal provides a tool to solve this: Replay Workflow History, which reruns a previous workflow’s history against the new code to verify that the new event history is as expected. To use it, developers needed to connect to the Temporal database, get a specific workflow ID of interest, and execute commands to fetch the workflow history and run the replay themselves. Leveraging this function within Convoy’s existing architecture and pipeline was tedious and required developers to remember to run the steps prior to merging their changes.

To solve the problem of an easy-to-miss and burdensome process, this project integrates Temporal’s workflow replay feature with the CI/CD pipeline to ensure that on every change pushed to Github, the changes are automatically validated and verified that they do not break determinism. This improves both the speed and quality of development, as engineers get instant feedback on whether their changes are breaking, preventing outages and failures in production.

Diving deeper

We first needed to gather all workflow types to replay against. Fortunately, we have an internal object storing all runnable workflows, and developers must update it before the workflow can be picked up by workers, so we used this object as the source of truth for our replayable workflow types.

Once we had the workflow types, our next step was to give Temporal database access to our CI/CD pipeline to retrieve workflow IDs and event histories to replay against, which included setting up a new certificate and key for this specific use case.

With the Temporal connection established, for each workflow type, we used Temporal’s querying API to get the IDs of the 5 oldest running workflow instances. We chose these parameters because:

  • If a workflow has stopped running, either because it has completed or terminated, then it is not relevant in the determinism check because any new code will not cause it to hit an error or affect the result of the workflow.
  • A more-progressed workflow would be more likely to catch any non-determinism changes as more code has likely been covered.
  • We wanted to cover as many possible branches of logic as possible without replaying every running workflow. Choosing the magic number of 5 was a tradeoff between execution time and thoroughness.

From the workflow IDs, we grab workflow event histories and use that to kick off the replay. The `Worker.runReplayHistory` call spins up a worker and either completes silently or throws a non-determinism error. We can see these two functions in the code snippet below:

Usage of Temporal APIs grabbing workflow history and kicking off the replay.

To connect the replaying to CircleCI, we used a script to run the replay functionality and ran that script from CircleCI. This allows pretty much all code changes for this project to be contained to one repository, which is beneficial for visibility and maintenance. The connection is set up as so:

Pipeline for running replay function from CircleCI.


To prevent the replay test from taking too long and being a blocking factor on deployment, we split up workflow replaying by creating one CircleCI step for all workflows that belong to the same task queue, which is beneficial because CircleCI runs steps in parallel.

We also wanted to maximize visibility and understandability for this replay test, so if any workflow replay within a CircleCI step throws a non-determinism error, the CircleCI test will fail and the developer will see the error message that lists all non-deterministic workflow types.

Developer perspective: replay test failing on CircleCI.

The CircleCI test shows:

Error messages displayed from CircleCI’s test failure highlighting which workflows are non-deterministic.

Once we had the CircleCI integration working, we configured it to run on every branch of repositories that include workflow code.

Below is a dependency graph of how our CI/CD pipeline executes. Note how the two test-replay tests run in parallel with each other and with unit and end-to-end tests.

CircleCI dependency graph of steps, illustrating replay tests running in parallel.

From there, we tried to find ways to speed up the process. We noticed that the majority of execution time was taken up by initialization of the workers used in the replay; querying for workflow IDs and grabbing their histories were relatively quick operations. To reduce this wall-clock time, we made use of Temporal’s ability to pre-build a workflow code bundle prior to Worker start. Passing the bundle to the worker reduces startup time since the worker no longer has to bundle the code at runtime. Because each replay kicks off its own worker, we saw immense improvement in execution speed:

Time spent on replaying with and without workflow code bundling.

We also considered being more selective about the workflows that are replayed. Currently, when any change is pushed to GitHub, even if no workflow code is edited, the replay tests are run for every workflow. We understand that this is not necessary, and ideally, we could identify which workflows need to be verified depending on the code that is modified in the commits.

However, we felt that with code bundling, the workflow replay tests were fast enough that further optimization was not a priority.

The reality of working with new open source tools

While we were completing this project, temporal released version 1.0.0 of their Typescript SDK, demonstrating that even though we were working with a tool that was still in development, it had many useful and interesting features. The Temporal engineers were excited about this project and interested in receiving feedback to improve their tooling and documentation. This project would not have been possible without their help and partnership!


With the completion of this project, we are able to give developers confidence that their changes to workflow code will not break determinism in production. As new engineers onboard onto the workflow tool and learn the Temporal paradigms and familiar engineers update workflows to support new scenarios, this tool will greatly speed up their velocity, and has already been a helpful guide.

Building this tooling offers exciting capabilities for Convoy and for other teams using Temporal’s open source software. I’m excited to see how this project impacts future work. Shoutout to my mentor Rupali Vohra and manager Brian Holley for the help on this project, other members of the PAW team, the summer interns, and Convoy who have all given feedback and support throughout my time this summer!

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A look back at Earth Week 2022 Thu, 26 May 2022 23:04:14 +0000 While sustainability has always been at the core of Convoy’s mission, perhaps no other point in time better captures the enthusiasm that Convoy employees have for protecting and preserving our environment than Earth Week.

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While sustainability has always been at the core of Convoy’s mission, perhaps no other point in time better captures the enthusiasm that Convoy employees have for protecting and preserving our environment than Earth Week, taking place each year during the last week of April. 

This year, Convoy took its Earth Week activities to a whole new level, hosting a wide array of in-person and virtual activities for our employees to get involved, learn from their colleagues and share their perspectives on what the planet and this special week means to them. 

Following are a few of the highlights:

Virtual Speaker Series

To bring new perspectives to sustainability in transportation, business and our own daily lives, Convoy hosted an engaging and diverse set of experts for a series of interactive discussions virtually throughout the week. This year’s speaker series included:

  • Anne Goodchild, Director of the University of Washington Supply Chain Transportation and Logistics Center
  • Sarah Dimson-Tararuj, Head of Partnerships and Programs at The Climate Pledge
  • Kathryn Kellogg, the founder of Going Zero Waste and author of 101 Ways to Go Zero Waste
  • Karl People, an Environmental Protection Specialist with the Environmental Protection Agency
  • Wolfgang Lehmacher, the former Head of Transport and Supply Chain Industries for the World Economic Forum
  • Dr Frederick Dooley, Chair of Life Science at Everett Community College

Homes for Houseplants

A new event in 2022, Homes For Houseplants was a company-wide, multi-site event that invited employees in both Seattle and Atlanta to adopt their first houseplants, trade plant clippings and get educated on plant types and care. Convoy provided over 200 houseplants to employees, along with tools, pots, and soil, and all were adopted—even our CEO, Dan Lewis, adopted a plant! Each individual plant came with a QR code to provide next steps and caretaking advice for their budding owners, and Convoy hosted an “ask us anything” discussion to further answer questions and foster discussion about plant care. We also started a Slack forum for employees to share photos of their plants and continue discussions that stemmed from the event. A fresh vegan lunch was enjoyed along with a plant-inspired playlist. Homes For Houseplants was a huge success, and many left the event excited to bring plants into their homes for the first time.

Sustainability Stories From Convoy Employees

An annual highlight of Convoy’s annual Earth Week activities is a series of short presentations from Convoy employees on how they personally incorporate sustainability into their daily lives outside of work, and our 2022 speakers did not disappoint. This year’s presenters focused on a wide range topics from easy first steps to become a more mindful consumer, how to use a footprint finder and eat less red meat, insights into dumpster diving and the problem of food waste, getting around Seattle for four and a half years without a car, oil-free vegetarian cooking, how to live a plant-based/vegan lifestyle, the benefits of building a tiny home, and daily life swaps that benefit the planet!

Convoy Green Taskforce

Another new Earth Week initiative for 2022 was the introduction of Convoy’s inaugural Green Taskforce. This internal group was created to identify areas in which Convoy can strive to align with ideals of sustainability and waste reduction, and develop plans to execute on those ideas. Within a week of its inception, the Green Taskforce boasted a membership of 20 volunteers, including experts in data science, customer care, design and building direction. Practically immediately after its inception the Taskforce launched more than 20 projects, including identifying ways to cut back on plasticware in Convoy’s kitchens, saving $10,000 worth of plasticware per month from being purchased and thrown into the trash. 

It’s exciting and rewarding to see how enthusiasm for Convoy’s sustainability-focused mission translates into Convoyagers’ daily lives, and we can’t wait to see what’s in store for Earth Week 2023!

Convoy is hiring passionate team players who want to have an outsized impact on a diverse and dynamic team. Join Convoy and help us transport the world with endless capacity and zero waste.

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Introducing Convoy ToGo, a Bold New Strategy for Work on the Road Fri, 01 Apr 2022 13:45:00 +0000 Convoy recently unveiled their new program for increasing worker productivity, Convoy ToGo. Through ToGo, employees will work in trucks from on the road.

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Convoy is excited to announce a bold new program to increase productivity and bring employees even closer to the customers they serve. Inspired by Founder and CXO Grant Goodale’s recent journey across America via semi truck (coverage here, here, and here!), Convoy is moving to support a 100% mobile workforce. “Seeing the experience of America’s truck drivers first hand was an amazing experience, and my productivity during the trip was completely unimpacted. I want everyone at Convoy to have the same experience,” said Grant. 

Convoy is enabling this experience by putting employees in the passenger seat of a heavy truck, traveling the country full time and working from the comfort of an Air-Ride™ equipped seat. Seeing the nation while working at a tech company has never been easier. 

Starting in Q2 of this year, Convoy will pilot the new program, Convoy ToGo, with ten selected employees. They will travel with ten separate carriers for 12 months, experiencing all of the joys the trucking life has to offer. Each truck and driver will offer a unique experience that showcases the drivers’ personal tastes and interests.

Convoy will also be updating employee benefits in support of its new mobile workforce. Workstations for in-cab productivity will be provided, and Convoy will provide each fully mobile remote employee a stipend usable at any Loves or Flying J truckstop (found nationwide) for food, incidentals, and showers. As additional benefit, Convoy will be providing Roller Dogs: cute canines to aid in companionship, cuddles, and cab karaoke. 

In addition, Convoy announced the launch of Convoy Crash Pads, a solution for the challenges faced by 100% mobile workers operating for months at a stretch on the road. Also in partnership with major truck stop chains, Convoy Crash Pads will place chic, industrial steel micro-apartments at truck stops and select rest areas across the nation. A nod to the tiny-house movement, Crash Pads enable seamless productivity when employees want to pause their endless fun on the road and enjoy the sights and sounds of one particular location for a brief period.

“I couldn’t be more excited to be on the forefront of our mobile, remote work future,” said Dan Lewis, Founder and CEO of Convoy. “Our research has shown that our employees are capable of performing their roles from almost anywhere. Additionally, select studies show germs from sneezing travel at 50 mph; working at a constant 65 mph helps employees avoid getting sick (and seasonal allergies)! The many lifestyle and corporate tax advantages of a permanently mobile, interstate workforce make this program a win-win for everyone. I look forward to when Convoy is 100% on the road, 100% of the time.”  

Editor’s note: This is an April Fools joke.

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Convoy Employee Spotlight – Miracle Middlebrooks Thu, 03 Feb 2022 16:55:00 +0000 Convoy could not accomplish our mission without amazing employees like Miracle. Learn about her Convoy career in this Employee Spotlight.

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Convoy could not accomplish our mission of transforming the $800 billion freight industry and transporting the world with endless capacity and zero waste without the amazing Convoyagers who work to solve the problems and inefficiencies that have plagued our industry for decades. Convoy employees come from a wide range of backgrounds and fill many distinct and vital roles within the company.

Today, we’re highlighting Miracle Middlebrooks, a Customer Success Manager on the Sales team. Miracle leads a team that builds relationships with our customers and focuses on quickly resolving any issues that arise on shipments.

What do you do at Convoy?

As a Customer Success Manager, I co-manage key customer accounts with Account Executives to build and maintain successful customer relationships. I strive to gain customer loyalty and build close long-term client relationships so that they continue to ship more freight with us over time. My goal is to make sure our customers think of Convoy as one of their favorite partners to work with by maximizing the value Convoy provides to them.

What is your proudest moment at Convoy?

My proudest moment at Convoy was working as a Shift Lead, managing the Sunday shift for the Customer Experience Team. The connections and trust built amongst the team were genuine. I would leave Sunday evenings feeling great for having supported the team by helping them focus on high-priority work items like last-minute shipments or issues that come up with drivers on the road. This also set the Monday morning team up for success to meet our customers’ needs.

What excites you most about Convoy?

The thing that excites me most about Convoy is our use of tech in an industry where that’s not the traditional norm. I love that as a company we are so data driven, and are able to use that data to help shippers and carriers save money and work more efficiently. We have the best engineers creating tools, compiling data and insights not only for us to use, but for our customers as well. I’m looking forward to seeing what new customers we’ll work with in the future and how much freight we can move as we continue to introduce the world to our Digital Freight Network.

In my current role, establishing and maintaining healthy customer relationships is also exciting because I play an integral part in the long-term growth of Convoy!

How has Convoy helped you in your career development?

Convoy has helped my career development by introducing me to data analytics and different tools in a light I had never seen before. I am grateful for being introduced to SQL and Tableau. I hadn’t previously used those tools. Convoy has also helped my career development by challenging me to think outside of the box, and to step outside of my comfort zone when communicating with customers, problem solving, and reaching my goals. Besides gaining my work “family,” I have gained so much freight knowledge, leadership skills, and awareness of tools to use for problem solving and data analysis.

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Convoy Employee Spotlight – Tyler Lucas Wed, 22 Dec 2021 01:34:47 +0000 Convoy could not accomplish our mission without amazing Convoyagers like Tyler. Read his story in this Employee Spotlight.

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Convoy could not accomplish our mission of transforming the $800 billion freight industry and transporting the world with endless capacity and zero waste without the amazing Convoyagers who work to solve the problems and inefficiencies that have plagued our industry for decades. Convoy employees come from a wide range of backgrounds and fill many distinct and vital roles within the company. Today, we’re highlighting Tyler Lucas, a Software Engineer on the Shipment Success team. Tyler works on systems that improve the ways Convoy leverages location data to better serve shippers and carriers.

What do you do at Convoy?
I work on software platforms that provide answers to location-related questions that arise during the lifecycle of a shipment. Where is the pickup facility? Who works there? What are their operating hours, contact preferences, and favorite holiday? Where is the driver? Trucking is a B2B industry that historically incurs a ton of communication overhead. There are dozens of emails, texts, and phone calls sent for each and every load. The vast majority of back-and-forth is spent asking and answering questions centered on location and contact information. Only by establishing crystal-clear data models that represent the world around us can we really start to scale our automation efforts. Before reducing waste, we first must define it!

What excites you most about Convoy?
The things that excite me the most about working at Convoy are the mission, people, and opportunity. Reducing waste in an industry as old and vital as trucking is an easy mission to put your heart behind. Convoy “walks the walk” here via impact-driven investors, board-level sustainability metrics, and value-based hiring. I work alongside people of diverse backgrounds who care (a lot) about the work we’re doing. We live in a world where talented individuals can work almost anywhere. My co-workers choose to work at Convoy, and I think that makes a difference. As for opportunity, I encounter countless trucks on the road everyday responsible for transporting the building blocks of our society. Scaling a business laser-focused on that responsibility is what gets me out of bed every morning.

What excites you most about your current role?
At Convoy I get to work shoulder-to-shoulder with brilliant, humble individuals across product, engineering, design, data science, operations, finance, marketing, and sales. I get paid to learn drastically different lessons each day from friendly subject matter experts. On Monday, I learned about a new piece of technology that fits well with the systems we’re designing. On Tuesday, I shadowed our Customer Experience team to get a stronger pulse for what’s working and what isn’t, both for customers and internal stakeholders. On Wednesday, I met with members from our recruiting team to discuss how we can better scale our Atlanta engineering office. The variety of work is a breath of fresh air.  It’s empowering to feel like my work directly impacts the trajectory of a multi-billion dollar company. Doing our jobs well can remarkably reduce the carbon footprint of transportation on our planet.

Tell me about the biggest challenge you have overcome at Convoy?
I started at Convoy in November 2018, just two months before the scheduled grand opening of our Atlanta Operations office. Part of the work required before opening was to launch an updated version of the tools used by Convoy’s Operations team to support a more distributed workforce. If we didn’t meet that fast-approaching deadline, hundreds of new hires wouldn’t be able to perform their roles in Atlanta. I worked with a small, cross-functional team to get that platform out the door and it was ready in time for the new office to open. It was one of the most challenging and rewarding times in my career.

Interested in joining our team and helping transform one of the world’s biggest industries?  Check out our careers page!

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Convoy Employee Spotlight – Quan Farley Wed, 17 Nov 2021 23:29:23 +0000 Convoy could not accomplish our mission without amazing Convoyagers like Quan. Read her story in this Employee Spotlight.

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Convoy could not accomplish our mission of transforming the $800 billion freight industry and transporting the world with endless capacity and zero waste without the amazing Convoyagers who work to solve the problems and inefficiencies that have plagued our industry for decades. Convoy employees come from a wide range of backgrounds and fill many distinct and vital roles within the company. Today, we’re highlighting Quan Farley, a Manager on the Operations team, who is responsible for maintaining and raising the high bar Convoy sets in our customer service. 

What do you do at Convoy?
As an operations manager my primary responsibility is setting up and maintaining structure for our Operations team to ensure we are executing seamlessly and in accordance with Convoy’s business goals. Our Operations team works with Shippers and Carriers to support the movement of our customer’s goods. Additionally, but equally as important, we are culture champions. It is my duty as a manager on the Operations team to lead by example and ensure that we align our decision making and daily execution with Convoy’s Values. This includes modeling our values in how we interact with shippers and carriers as well as in how we interact with internal partners and our own teams. My goal is to ensure a positive company culture is embedded in my team and issues that arise are escalated appropriately so that we can continue to scale operations effectively. 

What excites you most about Convoy?
What excites me most about Convoy is our adaptability and resilience in an ever-changing environment. The pandemic challenged us to think about how we collaborated within the Operations team, kept our teams engaged, onboarded and developed new talent, and partnered with cross-functional stakeholders. We went from a successful model working in-person from our offices, to 100% virtual in a matter of days. Convoy provided every employee, regardless of role or tenure, a great deal of empathy and support to adjust to what has become our new normal. We were able to adjust effectively because of the overwhelming support from team leaders that allowed our company to scale and grow at a rate that had not been seen prior.

What excites you most about your current role?
At Convoy we love problems – understanding that while solutions might change as we learn and grow, the core problems of inefficiencies are evergreen. As we continue to dive deep into how we achieve our goal of transporting the world with endless capacity and zero waste, there is always something new to learn! My role constantly challenges me as a professional to be adaptable and raise the bar – not only in the projects directly within my scope but also in the cross-team collaboration with brilliant, values-driven professionals all across the company. 

Take Moonshot week for example, we dedicate an entire week to innovating deliberately and thinking big about large-scale improvements that disrupt the freight industry, outside of our day-to-day work!

How have you experienced Convoy living its values?
#SWC: Start with the Customer. Our goal is to ensure that when decisions are made that may impact our customers; we walk a mile in their shoes and deeply understand their challenges and opportunities in order to delight them and deliver where it matters most. Convoy has done this exceptionally well not only for our customers, but also for our team members – especially during the pandemic, when we initially entered in the uncharted territory of change that impacted how we interact on a daily basis. Convoy went above and beyond to ensure our team was supported during the transition and came up with innovative ways to ensure we all felt valued and stayed connected.

What advice do you have for prospective Convoy candidates?
When joining Convoy, one must enter with an open mind and an enthusiastic heart. The work can be ambiguous, fast paced, and it requires a sense of ownership end-to-end as projects often require building out structures that are scalable. For prospective candidates, read up about the company, its values, its mission, and its problem space. Do you enjoy being a disruptor and diving deep into problems? Wonderful! This may be the role for you!

Interested in joining our team and helping transform one of the world’s biggest industries?  Check out our careers page!

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Convoy Employee Spotlight – Mikey Abboud Tue, 19 Oct 2021 23:37:57 +0000 Convoy could not accomplish our mission without amazing Convoyagers like Mikey. Read his story in this Employee Spotlight.

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Convoy could not accomplish our mission of transforming the $800 billion freight industry and transporting the world with endless capacity and zero waste without the amazing Convoyagers who work to solve the problems and inefficiencies that have plagued our industry for decades.  Convoy employees come from a wide range of backgrounds and fill many distinct and vital roles within the company. Today, we’re highlighting Mikey Abboud, a senior product manager on the Convoy Go team, who focuses on the continued growth of Convoy’s drop-and-hook program. 

What do you do at Convoy?
I work closely with Engineering, Data Science, Design, and the rest of the business as a senior product manager for Convoy Go to redefine the way drop-and-hook freight is done in the industry. I focus on connecting business strategy, design knowledge, and customer needs in order to develop a product that is relevant and valuable to our customers. 

What excites you most about Convoy?
Our mission-led approach to transforming the transportation industry is one of the most exciting aspects about working at Convoy. It weaves itself through the core of our work, and always challenges us to answer the question: “how does this help shippers and carriers?”. In my role, this mission helps frame our priorities and really challenges us to go above and beyond. Instead of pushing for incremental improvements in capacity, we are pushing to truly get to the “endless capacity” space, which will be transformative in the industry.

What excites you most about your current role?
Two main things: innovating in an industry that impacts everyday life and working with amazing people all throughout the company. The transportation and supply chain industry is so ubiquitous, and the opportunity to make it more efficient, less wasteful, and more effective for all those who participate in and benefit from it is super exciting. It is a privilege to work with and learn from all the wonderful people here at Convoy, whether that is folks in the Product organization or outstanding members of our Operations team, every day I learn something new from my coworkers.

If you could pick one theme for Convoy to turn into a book about the company, what would it be?
I think the theme would be around “Loving Problems, Not Solutions”. As a core value to our company, it has been a guiding principle as we have been through different market cycles, company iterations, and difficult times. I think holding steady to the problems we were solving and not getting hung up on whatever solutions we were pursuing at the time has allowed us to adapt and grow in an ever-changing world.

How has Convoy helped you in your career development?
Working in a fast-paced environment where the solutions are never straightforward has helped me grow quickly in my role and scope. Convoy has helped me become more confident in taking action, getting my hands dirty, and advocating for what I believe is the right path forward. Additionally, Convoy has helped me learn how to effectively collaborate across all the different functions of a business at a scale that would be difficult at any other company.

What excites you most about Convoy’s future?
Expanding into all the different and exciting aspects of supply chain and logistics. We are barely even scratching the surface of the potential that this space holds, and I am motivated to keep pushing further. Convoy is well positioned to take advantage of all the great advancements that are coming and I can’t wait to be part of whatever is coming next.

Interested in joining our team and helping transform one of the world’s biggest industries?  Check out our careers page!

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Convoy Employee Spotlight – Elise Van Vuren Thu, 30 Sep 2021 01:45:20 +0000 Convoy could not accomplish our mission without amazing Convoyagers like Elise. Read her story in this Employee Spotlight.

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Convoy could not accomplish our mission of transforming the $800 billion freight industry and transporting the world with endless capacity and zero waste without the amazing Convoyagers who work to solve the problems and inefficiencies that have plagued our industry for decades.  Convoy employees come from a wide range of backgrounds and fill many distinct and vital roles within the company. Today, we’re highlighting Elise Van Vuren, a Senior Program Manager on the Shipper Experience team, who is continuing to bring out the best in everyone she works with and is driving positive change for our customers. 

What do you do at Convoy?

As a Senior Program Manager for Shipper Experience, I partner closely with our customers, the Sales Team, and the Shipper Experience Product team to develop the Convoy website. My team focuses on building programs that help customers of all sizes feel comfortable within the product and maximize efficiency through the Convoy website.

What excites you most about your current role?

I am super excited about the growth potential in my current role, both for myself, and the product I work on. It is a relatively new team and it has a long runway for growth and impact to Convoy. I am especially excited about the position because the product we’re building should help improve our customers’ day to day lives. Our goal is to make the portion of their role that deals with freight as easy as it can be. Most importantly, the team I work with is incredible! There is nothing that the group of people on the Shipper Experience team can’t achieve. We stay focused on the customer, each other, and building a better tomorrow. 

How has Convoy helped you in your career development?

The list could go on forever! Convoy has helped me tremendously when it comes to career development. The areas that stand out most to me are building confidence, problem solving, and developing an incredible network of mentors. 

At Convoy I’ve noticed a few things consistently – Convoy trusts their employees to make good decisions and supports employees when we ‘fail’. At Convoy I’ve found endless support in trying things out, testing new ideas and learning along the way. Through this company mindset I’ve developed more confidence in myself to go outside of my comfort zone and try new things. This has led me to develop bigger and better ideas for Convoy because I am not operating from a place of fear. We tackle hard problems all the time – some ideas work and some don’t, but either way we learn and that propels us forward faster than if we never tried. 

I think Convoy’s best asset is the people. At Convoy I’ve found nothing but kind people who are invested in helping you get where you want to go. People are willing to take time out of their day to teach you a new skill, offer advice on a specific situation, recommend you for new opportunities, and more. I’ve found an extremely supportive network that truly believes in helping each other grow. I am so grateful for the people at Convoy – they make me better everyday!

What excites you most about Convoy’s future?

The people and the problem space. We continuously have new people join Convoy that uplevel our current teams. The people that join Convoy are smart, driven, and kind. I always learn so much from those that join our company and love seeing the immediate impact they make. 

There are still a lot of problems to solve in the trucking industry and Convoy can help be part of the solution. Convoy is super focused on staying close to shippers and carriers to learn what problems need attention and the best way to solve them. Everytime we solve one big pain point – we learn about more and set out to solve those, too. It is fun to think about the world we can create with carriers and shippers down the road.

What advice do you have for prospective Convoy candidates?

Take the leap! Apply for a role at Convoy! More tangible advice would be to take the time and think about why Convoy is a good fit for you. We are a company that truly lives out our values each day and it is important that those values align with the working environment you are looking for.
Interested in joining our team and helping transform one of the world’s biggest industries?  Check out our careers page!

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Convoy Employee Spotlight – Gina Chernoby Thu, 26 Aug 2021 02:36:33 +0000 Convoy could not accomplish our mission without amazing Convoyagers like Gina. Read her story in this Employee Spotlight.

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Convoy could not accomplish our mission of transforming the $800 billion freight industry and transporting the world with endless capacity and zero waste without the amazing Convoyagers who work to solve the problems and inefficiencies that have plagued our industry for decades. Convoy employees come from a wide range of backgrounds and fill many distinct and vital roles within the company. We want to highlight some of our outstanding team members as a way to thank them for the incredible work they do to improve the lives of shippers and carriers, while creating a more sustainable world by preventing unnecessary carbon emissions from entering Earth’s atmosphere.

What do you do at Convoy?

As a Software Engineer within Convoy’s Infrastructure team, I work to redefine how shipments are represented in Convoy’s systems. I am developing amazing software and contributing to Convoy’s growth and scale.

What excites you most about your current role?

I work on a project that is very technical and impacts every part of the company. It’s a multi-year refactoring and migration of our business’s core data model, providing increased flexibility in the way we move freight. Also, my team is incredible. Everyone is so supportive of one another and each person is extremely talented.

What is your proudest moment at Convoy?

When I joined Convoy, I worked on improving our tools to support the Finance team and related operational workflows. As our investment in this space increased, we formed the FinTech pod. As the founding member of the pod, I was able to help build the team into one that has consistently had one of the highest employee satisfaction scores at the company. I feel proud to play a role in building healthy, happy teams that people want to work on.

What is the biggest challenge you have overcome at Convoy?

I gave birth to my first child during a pandemic while working at Convoy. Trying to navigate parenthood for the first time while working from home with an infant was… rough. But my manager and team were extremely understanding, flexible, and supportive. They let me ramp back into work at my own pace, maximizing my effectiveness and prioritizing my well-being. I couldn’t imagine a better environment to have made that major life transition.

What is something you’ve gained from working at Convoy?

Convoy offered me a level of scope and ownership I had been struggling to find at the large company I worked at previously. I’ve grown so much as a leader in the past 2+ years thanks to the opportunities I’ve had here.

What excites you most about Convoy’s future?

Seeing what environmental impact we can make long-term through efforts to reduce waste like empty miles.

What advice do you have for prospective Convoy candidates?

If you want to help build a company, work with great people, solve interesting problems, and have a large scope of ownership, Convoy might be the place for you.

Interested in joining our team and helping transform one of the world’s biggest industries?  Check out our careers page!

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Celebrating Pride Month 2021 with Pride@Convoy Tue, 15 Jun 2021 22:52:56 +0000 Pride Month is a time for community, reflection, and celebration for the LGBTQIA+ community. Learn about how Convoy is honoring pride month.

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Pride Month, celebrated in June in the USA, is upon us. For so many in the LGBTQIA+ community, Pride is a time to celebrate their identities, and also to reflect and contemplate the struggles of the past. Convoy’s LGBTQIA+ Employee Resource Group (ERG), Pride@Convoy is celebrating this month with exciting events for the entire company, while continuing to grow and foster a community within Convoy for LGBTQIA+ employees to shine.

While Slack is the Pride@Convoy ERG’s main hub for members to communicate with one another – sharing stories, advice, pet photos, etc. – the ERG also regularly hosts community events for its members, allies of the LGBTQIA+ community, and Convoy as a whole. These events create spaces for members to discuss the complexities of life as an LGBTQIA+ person and empower the LGBTQIA+ community’s voice in and out of the workplace. Through the ERG’s Slack channel, Pride@Convoy hosts weekly trivia to engage the community, and Music Mondays where ERG members share their favorite tunes.  Having regular events like this helps keep casual dialogue going in our current virtual work environment, which helps foster the ERG’s sense of community. Pride@Convoy has over 80 members scattered between Seattle and Atlanta, including remote employees across the rest of the country as well. Pride@Convoy is continually growing and evolving as new colleagues join and contribute their own unique perspectives and stories.

To celebrate Pride Month, the Pride@Convoy ERG is hosting several events for both LGBTQIA+ employees and allies to join in on the fun. On June 2nd, Pride@Convoy hosted a “speed friending” event where employees spent a few minutes over Zoom in a 1:1 conversation with a randomly assigned colleague. They were provided a list of questions to kick off the conversation, ranging from silly to intriguing in order to better get to know each other and foster a sense of community. The event served as a place for many new-to-Convoy ERG members to meet each other face to face despite still working remotely.

Jonathan, a Convoy employee who attended the Speed Friending event, said, “My experience with the speed friending event was AMAZING! I really enjoyed the event because I felt that I was in a safe place and I felt that I was respected as a person. It was a great break from work to just be around individuals who wanted to have a good time and wanted to get to know one another on a more personal level.”

Later in the month, on June 23rd,  Pride@Convoy will be hosting a short film watch party with a focus on educational content around issues facing the LGBTQIA+ community and its history. This event is open to everyone and last year’s event drew a crowd.  Additionally, The Pride@Convoy ERG council is sending flower growing pride kits out to members who want to participate in a virtual flower planting party toward the end of the month.

To round out the month, on June 30th, the Pride@Convoy council is hosting an LGBTQIA+ improv comedy event, inviting all employees for an evening of laughs, and to continue the celebration of pride month as a team.

For companies looking to start an LGBTQIA+ ERG or any ERG to support your employees, it’s important to have leadership’s buy-in on listening to feedback and vulnerability to hear where improvements need to be made.  Pride@Convoy  amplifies the LGBTQIA+ community’s voice within Convoy. They do this by having ERG leadership meet bi-weekly to collate feedback to send to Convoy’s People Team about the experiences of LGBTQIA+ employees. The People Team then works directly with ERG leadership when making decisions to ensure the community’s needs are being addressed. For example, the Pride@Convoy leadership council was consulted when Convoy was choosing a healthcare insurance provider to help ensure that LGBTQIA+ employees have access to inclusive healthcare. 

It can be challenging at many companies for LGBTQIA+ employees to self-advocate or have a voice as a community. The goal of Pride@Convoy  is to foster a mindset of inclusivity in every aspect of the company, as well as help LGBTQIA+ employees communicate their needs in an open environment. People are most creative and productive when they feel included and respected in the workplace – this is the environment the Pride@Convoy ERG strives to create and constantly improve upon. More events and more importantly, more impact, will come from Pride@Convoy throughout 2021 and well beyond.

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API Heritage Month with TransportASIAN Wed, 12 May 2021 11:13:32 +0000 Learn what TransportASIAN, Convoy’s Asian Pacific Islander ERG, has accomplished and what they have in store for API Heritage Month.

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This month is Asian Pacific Islander (API) Heritage Month. API Heritage month originated in Congress in 1977 as a week-long event and expanded to the full month of May in 1990 to commemorate the immigration of the first Japanese to the United States on May 7, 1843. May also marks the anniversary of the completion of the transcontinental railroad in 1869, where the majority of the workers who laid the tracks were Chinese immigrants. API Heritage Month is a celebration of the history and culture of Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders in the U.S. At Convoy, TransportASIAN, our API Employee Resource Group (ERG) is taking the lead on activities, celebrations, and educational sessions to build community among Convoy employees, while celebrating the six-month anniversary of our launch as an official ERG.

TransportASIAN formed in October 2020 out of Convoy’s third annual Moonshot Week, a hackathon-style event where employees pursue ideas or projects that have the potential to impact our company, internally or externally. During this week-long event, a small group of us turned the idea to create an employee resource group for the API community (& friends) at Convoy into reality. TransportASIAN’s mission is to create an inclusive environment by promoting Asian diversity within Convoy and celebrating Asian cultures. In the weeks that followed, TransportASIAN held its official launch event with over 40 employees and we’ve been working hard to grow and engage our community and allies ever since. 

We’re proud of everything TransportASIAN has accomplished in our first six months as an ERG, especially since we have only ever met virtually, due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. We’ve run several engaging and educational virtual events – our biggest so far was the Lunar New Year Dumplings & Desserts event in February. During this event, 65 attendees joined a virtual dumpling making class (or ordered takeout dumplings) where community members and friends participated in making and eating dumplings and rice cakes, as well as learning about the cultural significance of dumplings in various Lunar New Year traditions across Asia. 

In addition, we have been engaging Convoy’s API community and consulting with company leadership in response to the recent surge in API hate across the country. We have taken advantage of Lyra, Convoy’s virtual mental health provider to enable dedicated API listening sessions and made public Convoy’s statement against AAPI hate. Additionally, TransportASIAN led a company all-hands meeting on March 31st where we discussed the issues facing the AAPI community and Dr. Tiffany Green, Convoy’s DE&I advisor shared resources for how to engage and support as allies. A powerful employee panel of ERG members also shared their experiences and told their stories.

For API Heritage Month, TransportASIAN is taking its involvement in the Convoy community to the next gear. Throughout May, there will be weekly events highlighting API heritage, such as trivia and other employee engagement events conducted virtually through Slack and Zoom, spotlights on API history, and tips on how best to support local API businesses. There will also be bigger social events including a virtual Fireside Chat with Marc dela Cruz – the first API to play Hamilton on Broadway, a virtual Bollywood dance class with award winning choreographer Rohit Gijare, and a virtual museum tour of the Wing Luke Museum of the Asian Pacific American Experience in Seattle.

TransportASIAN is excited to celebrate and honor our heritage with the Convoy community this month. We hope that through our events, we can encourage all to gain a deeper understanding and appreciation of Asian cultures and histories. 

To our community: being cognizant of the recent disheartening climate, we strive to be sensitive as we recognize our community continues to be in a time of healing, and hope you join in our excitement as we move into a month of celebration that highlights our diverse identities.

To our friends: being an ally is not about who you are, but what you do. We encourage you to check in with your API friends, families, and neighbors, and to share our passion in learning the stories of those around us.

Convoy celebrates diversity in its carrier network.  If you’re a carrier and want to  learn about new opportunities, reach out to us at or visit our supplier diversity page for more information.

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Looking back at a year of working from home with Parents@Convoy Sat, 01 May 2021 12:27:37 +0000 Amid an ongoing pandemic, working parents lean on each other and take advantage of the resources available to them in order to succeed.

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When the World Health Organization declared COVID-19 a pandemic in March 2020, Convoy shifted its business operations to an entirely work-from-home format to ensure the health and safety of employees. While this change has affected all Convoyagers differently, one group that has been affected the most is working parents. Before COVID-19, working from home and being able to spend the day with the kids could be an enjoyable way to spend more time with family. Now, it has become a delicate balance of setting and achieving work expectations while parenting full-time. While this balance has been challenging, working parents at Convoy have learned to lean on each other and take advantage of the resources available to them in order to succeed in this new environment. 

Things have changed quite a bit from throwing Convoy’s first official “Take Your Kids to Work Day” event at the Seattle office in 2019, a memory many took home and put on the metaphoric trophy shelf. As the pandemic has continued to affect the way we work, go to school, and live our lives, working parents, including myself, have had to adapt to our “new normal” in challenging, surprising, and sometimes uplifting ways. Now, the once-in-a-while  privilege of children joining their parents on a Zoom meeting has become a necessity for working parents with kids in school. One challenge working parents have faced over the past year has been asking for help in both our professional and family lives. For Nikki Brown, a Senior Account Manager and founder of the Parents @ Convoy Employee Resource Group (ERG), that looked like “asking my dad to watch my kids sometimes or taking my sister up on an offer to help meal plan on the weekend. I learned where to lean on others for help in my org [rather] than try and recreate the wheel.”

Convoy’s Parents Slack channel has been a great place for parents to laugh, to commiserate, and to inspire. Whether it is asking others for advice on how to answer the question “Mom, can you tell me the truth, are you the tooth fairy?”, or  simply “How much screen time is everyone allowing their kids to have each day?”, working parents at Convoy rely on each other and the pandemic has solidified that for many. 

In a recent Shipper Team meeting, Nikki Brown was chosen to share a recorded video and speak to the team about what working from home during the pandemic has been like for her, and how she’s been able to succeed as a working mom of two. In the video, you can hear Slack messages and text messages buzzing in the background and see her three year old daughter sitting on her lap, occasionally adding her commentary to the video. Nikki shared “if I wanted to really excel … I needed to take advantage of the resources that are available to me both at work and my personal life… It continues to be an exercise in humility for me. I don’t want to be an average mom or an average employee, and for me that meant I needed to get super clear on what tasks I could do and what I could ask others for help on… I needed to embrace the concept of ‘the village’.”

For 2021, Parents @ Convoy is focused on adding depth and structure to the resources and programming we provide for parents. To start, we heard from ERG members that in order to feel supported by Convoy as working parents, they needed to feel comfortable having open conversations with their managers about what they were going through and the challenges they were experiencing working from home. Because initiating these conversations with managers is understandably challenging for many working parents, Parents @ Convoy made Convoy’s People Team aware of these difficulties and HR quickly rolled out additional training for managers, helping them break the ice and initiate these conversations in respectful, productive manners. I can recall my manager, soon after we started working from home, pausing during a weekly 1:1 to calibrate how I was doing overall and understand what I needed to help me succeed. Simply creating space for this candor is crucial for employees’ well-being. We know that working parents who have a supportive and encouraging environment in their role as a parent tend to, in turn, be more productive and efficient employees. Freight doesn’t sleep and neither do some children. 

Through the struggles of the past year, however, there have been some silver linings. As Tucker Tillman, a Senior Manager on Convoy’s Account Management team shares, “Prior to COVID, I was off to work each day before my kids were awake and came home right at dinner time. On the weekdays, I really only saw my girls for about an hour each night. Even though the pandemic has been a struggle, I’ve spent the last year regularly having three meals a day with my girls and have been grateful for every second!”

With the chaotic and unpredictable nature of the past year, it has been amazing to see how adaptable, patient, and empathetic our co-workers have been to the ever-changing schedules of the family. Even the non-parents I work with regularly understand when I need to move a meeting last minute, show up a little late, or need some extra time to work on a project. This camaraderie is palpable across Convoy and enables everyone to show up and perform at their best both at their job and in their personal lives.

The Parents @ Convoy Employee Resource Group (ERG) strives to promote Convoy’s strategic goals by assisting the organization in recruiting, retaining, and advancing parents, strengthening teams by promoting diversity and inclusion at Convoy, serving as a resource for all Parents at Convoy, and positively influencing the organization by providing awareness, education, and support to ensure professional development of all employees.
If you or someone you know is interested in speaking to the parents community at Convoy, we’d love to hear from you. Please email us at We’re co-hosting a virtual event in Q3 2021 with Womxn @ Convoy discussing career mapping and looking for speakers.

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Convoy Turns Six Fri, 02 Apr 2021 05:44:56 +0000 To all of our shippers, the carriers and our broader community, we thank you for being an important part of Convoy’s journey in this extraordinary year.

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Today is Convoy’s sixth anniversary, and what a year it has been. The past 12 months have been filled with unprecedented change affecting all aspects of trucking, life at Convoy and the day to day experiences of people around the world. It’s almost hard to comprehend.

We’re proud of the fact that we not only rose to the challenge, but we took on some of the most daunting problems our industry has ever faced. Working closely with our shippers and carriers, we partnered with Salesforce to deliver PPE supplies and testing swabs to healthcare workers, quickly, seamlessly and free of charge during the early days of the COVID-19 pandemic, all while keeping an overburdened supply chain moving efficiently and eliminating empty miles and carbon emissions from our nation’s highways.

We’re also proud that in our first six years, Convoy has helped solve some of the most pressing problems facing truck drivers and shippers alike. That would not have been possible without the partnership of our first six shippers: Guided Products LLC, ACF West Inc., World Vision, Beckwith & Kuffel, Northwest Linings and Geotextile Products, Inc. and Pipe & Piling Supplies Ltd. 

To all of our shippers, the carriers and our broader community, we thank you for being an important part of Convoy’s journey in this extraordinary year. We wouldn’t be here without our network, and we can’t wait to see what new problems we solve together on the road ahead.

The Convoy Team

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Women @ Convoy – Q1 Book Club Event Wed, 24 Mar 2021 07:19:14 +0000 The Women@Convoy Employee Resource Group (ERG) at Convoy offers professional and personal development programming for employees who identify as women. We foster cross-team networking and collaboration, so that women can build both personal and professional relationships that expand their opportunities. We also bring in entrepreneurial women from various industries as guests who can help us…

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The Women@Convoy Employee Resource Group (ERG) at Convoy offers professional and personal development programming for employees who identify as women. We foster cross-team networking and collaboration, so that women can build both personal and professional relationships that expand their opportunities. We also bring in entrepreneurial women from various industries as guests who can help us enhance our worldviews by providing different perspectives and help us gain an understanding of how entrepreneurs build incredible products and services that people love.

In 2021, we’ve put together an ambitious roadmap that structures our programming into four quarterly focus areas. In Q1, our theme has been “Setting Yourself Up For Success” by building good habits and routines. In Q2, we will focus on “Building Your Personal Brand”. These quarterly focus areas help structure the topics we discuss in our small groups, the external speakers we bring in, and the books we read for our book club.

For Q1, we chose to kick the year off with a joyful start, by reading The Book of Joy, by Douglas Carlton Abrams. After a tumultuous start to the year, the group wanted to read something uplifting that would feed the soul as we headed into yet another year of life and work under quarantine. The book’s explanation of joy as something that comes beyond material possessions, and from a deeper well of emotional and mental calm, was a great reminder of the strength we carry within ourselves. It was also an invitation to tap into the well of gratitude for what we have that so many others have lost–our jobs, our health, and each other. 

Our book club discussion was open to all ERG members, and was attended by roughly 20 (very active and engaged) members. We held the discussion over Zoom, and made very active use of the “reactions” button that allows members to “thumbs up” or “heart” to show support for another member’s response, or “raise hand” when someone wants to contribute without speaking over others. The discussion was an active one, and one of the book club participants even remarked that she “wished [she] had read this book earlier in the pandemic”, to elevate those feelings of calm and joy in the midst of such a volatile 2020. The book’s distinction between ephemeral happiness and that deeper sense of joy also forced us to reexamine what our own priorities and values are. Speaking personally, it was a joy to reflect on the mission of sustainability that Convoy has embarked on, and the progress we’ve made against it.

This book club discussion was, fittingly, sponsored by Third Culture Coffee. It’s fitting that with our discussion of health and happiness, Third Culture is a local business with a mission to create incredible drinks, while supporting their goals of diversity and sustainability.

As we think about our mental and physical wellness for this year and how we can more actively act on our values, we encourage our members to think about supporting local businesses that value sustainability.
If you or someone you know is interested in speaking to the Women@Convoy ERG on our upcoming themes (Q2: Building your personal brand; Q3: Mapping your career journey; Q4: Building personal wealth), please email us at

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Convoy Rejects Racism, Bigotry and Hate. Sat, 20 Mar 2021 15:43:14 +0000 At Convoy, we believe in respect, equality and the right to be your authentic self. We're building an inclusive culture reflecting those beliefs.

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We Stand in Solidarity with Our Asian Community

At Convoy, we believe in respect, equality and the right to be your authentic self. We are building an inclusive work culture that reflects those beliefs – one that is made stronger through diversity and one where all employees have the opportunity to achieve their full potential. 

Since the outbreak of COVID-19, there’s been a sharp rise in vitriolic abuse against Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders (AAPI). The hate and violence escalated even further this week with the tragedy in Atlanta, in which eight people were killed, six of whom were of Asian descent. 

Convoy is against hatred and violence and we denounce these attacks and on-going anti-Asian hate. We stand in solidarity with our Asian employees and the broader AAPI community and are committed to confronting racial injustice.

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Women’s History Month At Convoy Wed, 17 Mar 2021 09:25:19 +0000 Women’s History Month is a moment in our year to reflect on women and how they have shaped our lives, our journeys and the world we live in.

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Women’s History Month is a moment in our year where we get a chance to reflect on women and how they have shaped our lives, our journeys and quite literally the modern world we live in. 

Think about all the wonderful innovations we have because of women: The Fire Escape! Thank you Anna Connelly for thinking about the other perspective in 1887 and keeping others safe. Alice H. Parker’s work has kept us all warm and cozy since her patent in 1919 that paved the way for the modern day thermostat and heating furnace. Ada Lovelace infamously invented the first computer algorithm, literally making Convoy possible. And let’s not forget the invention of The Dishwasher, saving our kitchens from squalor (and I’m sure many relationships) since 1887 thanks to Josaphine Cochrane. Josephine, we salute you. 

International Women’s Day at Convoy 

Here at Convoy, we decided to take a slightly different spin on Women’s History Month and look internally at the stories our own women leaders bring to our community. What are the stories of their triumphs and struggles? What can we learn from their journey? 

Fittingly, on International Women’s Day, we hosted 5 small group sessions with women leaders from Convoy. Each, in turn, offering their own candid view on their paths to success and the road bumps they encountered along the way.

Advice from our female leaders

Melissa McCann-Tilton (VP, Global Revenue) is our fearless sales leader and chief! A commanding presence in any room and a stand-up comic at any spare moment, she helped us understand what it was like to succeed under circumstances of adversity. 

  • Melissa’s advice on approaching problems and achieving results: “People who approach [a problem] with a sense of curiosity and growth are more successful than people who approach it from the perspective of ‘I’m owed it.’”
  • On striving for what you want: “Always have empathy for the person on the other side.” 
  • How to seek a career path and develop yourself: “Find people who are further along in their career than you and ask them how they got there.” “If you don’t have all the answers, it leads you to more possibilities.”

Shweta Narayan (Director, Product), the linchpin of our executive staff, joined us to talk about her winding road and the wisdom she has collected along the way. She shared her thoughts on leadership, supporting women and bouncing back: 

  • Shweta, reached into her own network when she had a career setback and needed to bounce back, “I relied on my personal support”, she added, “don’t make decisions when emotions are heightened.”
  • She also encouraged us to support other women in the workplace, “There’s so much you can get out of supporting each other.” and “It’s just a shame not to join forces.” 

Sunny Regulapati (Senior Director, Marketplace Growth), our Womxn@Convoy sponsor and newest mother of the bunch helped paint a picture of ruthless prioritization. Her key takeaways from the conversations were: 

  • Leadership is all about decisiveness, vulnerability and self-awareness: “We don’t always have consistent direction, so taking action even without all the data or information marks a strong leader.” 
  • Sunny encouraged the importance of helping other women by not necessarily waiting for the ‘right moment’ to promote them but making it a regular habit to promote them as often as opportunity permits. Sharing positive feedback consistently with each other can also go a long way in building confidence and empowering other women.

Lastly, Kristen Forecki (VP, Supply), our original female leader, Womxn@Convoy sponsor and fiercest ally from the beginning, shared her own story of growth alongside Convoy’s:

  • Kristen believes the most important characteristic of a great leader is humility, and the most over-rated characteristic is over-confidence. “When you have true confidence, you’re able to approach issues with a lot more humility and be open to learning from others, and those are the people I think of as great leaders.” She adds, “Be confident in what you know, and then be open to exploring other ideas or learning more.”
  • Kristen (like Sunny) also encouraged us to help promote other women in the workplace, “Do it on purpose and build each other up … you can’t go overboard on investing in each other.” 
  • Kristen is no stranger to career pathing and networking. She gave some great advice about knowing what you want and getting there: “Be clear about what you want, so others can help you find it or help you get there.” When asked about creating a path, she cautioned us to remember that, “It’s often going to be more of a jungle gym than a ladder.”

Thank you to all of our fearless Convoy leaders for their mentorship and guidance. We loved taking a walk in their shoes to understand their history, their journey and how we can support each other during Women’s History Month!

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Celebrating Black History Month and Black @ Convoy Tue, 16 Feb 2021 14:21:59 +0000 February is a special month at Convoy this year. We commemorating both Black History Month and the six-month anniversary of Black@Convoy.

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February is a special month at Convoy this year. Not only are we commemorating Black History Month, but we are also celebrating the six-month anniversary of Black@Convoy, one of our Employee Resource Groups (ERG). 

Black@Convoy’s mission is to represent and celebrate Black employees at Convoy. Black@ creates a supportive and inclusive community for our Black employees. We also focus on employee growth, allyship, recruitment and community engagement efforts. Over the past six months, we have hosted multiple events and taken several steps pursuant to the mission. From establishing a leadership council to organizing office hours to help coworkers create their voting plans for the November 2020 elections, Black@ has established roots within the company and is driving impact within the community. In October, we co-sponsored an event with Women@Convoy featuring Dr. Carmen McGee, an Atlanta-based OB/GYN specializing in breast health for women of color. We also hosted a virtual recruiting event at Spelman College to recruit Black women for Convoy roles in Operations and Engineering. Just last month Black@ co-sponsored a second event with Women@Convoy featuring speaker Keita Williams of Success Bully discussing tactics and strategies for setting and hitting goals in 2021. 

For Black History Month, Black@Convoy is hosting a series of events and workshops, including educational events to teach co-workers about the importance of Black History Month, spotlights on black-owned businesses, causes that support Black people, and more. We are also creating space for employees to speak and learn about the Black experience. To me, Black History Month is important because I wasn’t formally taught about Black history until I went to Spelman – a Historically Black College. Being at work, and being able to engage in activities that celebrate, honor, and recognize the culture and achievements of Black people, allows me to feel seen and further fuels my mission to drive DE&I efforts at Convoy.

In early February, Black@ hosted Dr. Yolanda Watson Spiva, President of Complete College America, to speak about her journey as a Black woman executive and provide tips to all employees on how to be successful in their career. These events are designed to foster a supportive and inclusive community at Convoy and build on the work that has already been underway.

Looking ahead to the rest of 2021, Black@Convoy will host more events to engage the community and increase their focus on ERG member engagement, retention, and recruitment. Events will include panel discussions featuring Black leaders both internal and external to Convoy, fireside chats, small group discussions about issues impacting Convoy’s Black employees, outside speakers, happy hours, and parties to build camaraderie. These early days of the Black@Convoy ERG have helped Convoy to become more inclusive, focus on equity, and stand against racism. We look forward to all we can accomplish as our company grows.

Convoy celebrates diversity in its carrier network. If you’re a carrier and want to learn about new opportunities, reach out to us at or visit our supplier diversity page for more information.

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Kicking off the Year with Women@Convoy Thu, 04 Feb 2021 13:00:35 +0000 We empower our team professionally and personally to connect with female leaders in the Seattle and Atlanta communities.

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The new year brings new inspiration and the Women@Convoy Employee Resource Group (ERG) is making sure our members are set up for success with all the tools, connections, and inspiration they need to make this a great year. Women@Convoy is one of seven ERGs at Convoy. We exist to empower our members both professionally and personally and to connect our members to each other as well as to female leaders in the Seattle and Atlanta communities. 

This year, we are focusing our content around quarterly themes and for Q1 the theme is Setting Yourself Up for Success: Establishing Good Habits and Routines. The remainder of the year will focus on areas including Developing Your Brand and Mapping Your Career Journey. Each quarter we host an external speaker on that topic, a book club for members featuring a book related to the subject, and monthly small group meetings so groups of women can discuss the topic in more detail and learn from each other. 

To kick off the Q1 theme, as well as 2021 programming, we co-hosted a workshop earlier this month with Black@Convoy, Convoy’s ERG for Black employees. This workshop focused on goal setting and was facilitated by Keita Williams of Success Bully. This event was open to all Convoy employees and had more than 100 attendees. This was a great chance to take a step back from a busy start to the year and think strategically about what we all want to accomplish, both professionally as well as personally. We discussed how to get clear on our values and how that will prove the drive to stick with our goals, the importance of an accountability buddy, and how to clarify your next step so big goals seem less intimidating. The part that really got the group’s attention was not only the need to get clear on what you will do to achieve your goals but also what you will not do – what you will be willing to give up to make time for what you say is important. It was clear that not giving this part as much attention is often how we get in our own way. 

During the remainder of this quarter, we will also host a time management workshop facilitated by Kelly Nolan, host a book club on The Book of Joy and celebrate Women’s History Month with a number of company-wide events. We look forward to sharing more about our journey this year and how our, and other ERGs, empower our members both professionally and personally. 

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